Monday, March 23, 2015

Why Mondays really are the worst

There is a special place in Heaven designated for teachers who are also high school coaches. I am sure of it. Today, after dealing with the WORST class ever (seriously--no teacher should have 19 boys in one classroom and only 5 girls. Its CHAOS), I was lucky enough to travel to my team's game. From Pleasant Grove Dallas to Irving. In rush hour. Those kids LOSE their minds when they have to sit still. Listen to music. Read a book. Do some homework. Anything that doesn't involve yelling to the point where I can hear you over my headphones. 

High School Coaches. Special place in Heaven. I imagine with cold beverages and foot rubs by hot looking people with strong hands. 

Now onto today's portion of "how I tried to keep my diet but failed":

I have started using pro-biotics such as Kifer to put in my protein shakes. They mix well, leave me full(ish), and really help all that disgestive nonsense that's happening now that my food has changed. However, finding a protein that is "non-flavored" that doesn't taste like plant is the WORST! I have tried several different flavor-less brands, and no matter how many strawberries, chocolate, agave, or other fruit that I add---its still awful. It makes me sad, because I want to eat 100 g of protein a day, but I just can't seem to get there on game days because my day is so flustered. 

Let me recap a game day for a coach:
Breakfast-protein shake bc you're already late because you NEVER think to pack your clothes for the game the night before.

Lunch- Protein of some sort: tuna fish, sushi, leftover chicken or meat loaf. But you have to also send out release emails, confirm transportation, make sure the students have all their uniforms, make sure no one is ill, worry about umpires, make sure you have food to feed the girls after school...oh and your lunch time to do all of this--its only 25 minutes. 

Mid-day snack- Now, you aren't actually hungry, but if you don't eat, you won't get the chance again until 10 pm. So you eat a icky sandwich with the girls hoping it'll last you until later. 

School is out- feed the kids, check everything you already checked but know you forgot something, and now wait for the bus. Side note---kid got brought Wendys. It smells like Heaven. You wish she would give you that frosty. Like now. 

Game time: stressed and too involved to eat anything other than sunflower seeds. 

Ride home: Too tired to eat

Dinner time. It's 10 pm. You just got home (early if its 10. BTW). You eat whatever will heat up in the microwave under 3 minutes. Shower. sleep. 

Now---how did your quest to be good and eat lots of protein and stick to your diet work today? Oh it didn't? Shocker. 

Like I said--special place in Heaven.....

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